(December 29, 2014) Del Walmsley: “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”

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This is the opening line and title of a poem written by the famous Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas. In fact, it was written as his father fell further into blindness. It can be said that in this poem, Dylan Thomas struck a chord within us all; death is something to be faced, not chosen. However, his father’s blindness was not a choice and it was something he likely fought until falling into total darkness. Here to examine the flip side of this morbid coin is Del Walmsley, as he examines the poor life choices that led to his mother’s death last week, as well as the choices of countless others who choose death rather than living to face it. This show should not be misconstrued, as it is an argument for the pursuance of a fruitful life, especially in the face of overwhelming odds.